Thursday, December 25, 2014

Another Sunshine mother in heat accused of sex with teen boy

Shauna Miratsky, 38-year-old mother who  works as school bus driver for Indian River County Schools, Florida, has been accused of engaging in sex with a teen boy.

“The husband of the bus driver actually did catch her kissing the juvenile at a local park,” said Sgt.Thomas Raulen.

Detectives said Miratsky met the teen last year, and began messaging him on Facebook, saying she had a background as a trauma advocate.

“He had trusted her to sort of act in a mentor capacity and she took advantage of that and turned that into a sexual relationship,” said Raulen.

According to the arrest affidavit, on Nov. 29, the teen said he needed to talk and Miratsky suggested a park in Sebastian. That’s when the mother in heat kissed teen boy, and that’s when her suspicious husband showed up after a warning from the couple’s teenage daughter. But the affair didn’t stop there, according to the arrest report.

“Miratsky started sending (the teen) messages via Facebook telling him she wanted to hug and kiss him …. they then carried on a sexual conversation,” according to the report.
The teen told detectives later that night the bus driver picked him up, took him to another location and “Miratsky then kissed (the teen) and he kissed her back.
Miratsky told him, “I want to (expletive) you … ” Miratsky started undressing, according to reports.
The teen told detectives they had sex on the hood of her car and the ground.
A week later Miratsky’s husband investigated further, posing as his wife on Facebook and confirming with the teen there had been a sexual relationship between his wife and young boy.

Miratsky faces a charge of unlawful sexual contact with a minor

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure who the author of this blog is, unfortuanatly, the content is not factual. The charges for which this arrest was made were dropped 3 years ago. With this being said, as the person who is the one being discussed, I am respectfully requesting this negative content and any other comments related to this blog be removed immediately. Thank you for your prompt response regarding this request.
